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STATIONEN: EIN KURSBUCH FÜR DIE MITTELSTUFE, Third Edition is an intermediate German program that combines engaging cultural topics with authentic readings and contextualized grammar in a unifying context. Each chapter of STATIONEN revolves around a city or region in the German-speaking world. This overarching concept brings the program together and invites students and instructors to make connections and comparisons between chapters, topics, and cultural issues. STATIONEN also refers to the “stations” between the first beginnings of a journey into German life and language and to more advanced study and exploration on the intermediate level.
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Publisher : Cengage Learning; 3rd edition (January 1, 2014)
Language : English
Paperback : 445 pages
ISBN-10 : 1285733827
ISBN-13 : 978-1285733821
Item Weight : 1.67 pounds
Dimensions : 8 x 0.75 x 10 inches
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