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Providing a solid foundation, NUTRITION & DIET THERAPY, 12E delivers a completely up-to-date introduction to the essentials of nutrition concepts, good health, and client care. It equips you with the tools to more effectively help clients improve their nutrition and overall health — as our nation faces higher rates of preventable chronic disease resulting from poor diet quality and physical inactivity. Extremely student friendly, it is organized around three simple concepts: Section 1 covers the fundamentals of nutrition, Section 2 explains nutrition over the life cycle; and Section 3 addresses medical nutrition therapy. Maximize your course success with the numerous hands-on activities throughout the text and the MindTap digital learning solution, which includes an interactive eBook with highlighting and note-taking functions; self-quizzes; client scenarios; flashcards; interactive Case in Point and Rate this Plate exercises; NCLEX-style quizzing; and a Diet & Wellness app.
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ASIN : 1305945824
Publisher : Cengage Learning; 12th edition (January 1, 2017)
Language : English
Paperback : 640 pages
ISBN-10 : 9781305945821
ISBN-13 : 978-1305945821
Item Weight : 2.45 pounds
Dimensions : 9 x 0.5 x 11 inches
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